• 1 марта 2013, пятница
  • Москва, Стремянный 36

Plekhanov Case Contest 2013

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Плехановский Кейс Клуб
4092 дня назад
с 17:00 1 марта до 19:00 6 марта 2013
Стремянный 36

Take part in the 3rd Plekhanov Case Contest conducted by Plekhanov International Business School.

Take part in the 3rd Plekhanov Case Contest conducted by Plekhanov International Business School!

You can be sure, that friendly atmosphere and great competitive spirit are always provided!

If you are creative and smart, if you can stay calm when the situation is stressful, then come. If you doubt — come anyway: you will learn to keep your head when something in your business goes wrong, and you will definitely find the right answer.

We look forward to your applications till February, 28.


Attention! Team-leader fills this application form

Team consists of 3 members. Language of Contest – English. 



REU round 01.03.2013 at 17:20 in room 102 (3)

Moscow round 06.03.2013 at 17:20 in room 203 (3)


If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!

Zharikova Alena | http://vk.com/id22233953aizsport@gmail.com

Senshina Kate | http://vk.com/id134606189

Golubtsova Kate | http://vk.com/id9250289



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